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Document Delivery

fly card BFM Document Delivery service

BFM patrons

If you are interested in reading a journal article, a book chapter or a conference paper not available in our print or digital collections, BFM can obtain it for you from other Italian or foreign libraries.


To place a Document Delivery request, please follow these steps:

1. Choose a BFM site as preferred recipient of your requests.

Due to constraints imposed by copyright legislation, we can supply only printed copies of the articles obtained through Document Delivery. Therefore, it is very important that you choose your nearest BFM site, as you will have to physically go there to pick up the copies of your requested articles.

2. Fill in your Document Delivery requests by logging on to the online platform “NILDE”.

Are you a “NILDE” first-time user? At your first access, you will be required to complete a registration, and to select your preferred library from a list. Please select your nearest BFM site among Polo Molinette, Polo Biologico, Polo San Luigi, Sede Chiabrera, Presidio Dental School, and Polo Rosmini Professioni Sanitarie.

If you need support with the registration, contact your preferred BFM site by phone or e-mail. As an alternative, you can send an e-mail DD request (better from your institutional e-mail address) to the BFM library site of your choice.

3. Go to your preferred BFM site to pick up a copy of the requested articles, when you are notified of their arrival (you should generally expect a response within 2-5 working days).


If you prefer, you can also book an appointment to pick up the document via the Affluences app (web version - App Store - Google Play). You can use the links below to book at:

Polo BiologicoAffluences;

Sede ChiabreraAffluences;

Polo MolinetteAffluences;

Polo San LuigiAffluences;

Presidio Dental SchoolAffluences;

Polo Rosmini Professioni SanitarieAffluences.


The BFM Document Delivery service is provided to faculty, students, and staff of the University of Turin, and to healthcare practitioners of Città della Salute e della Scienza, and Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria San Luigi Gonzaga.

Articles obtained through National Document Delivery requests (i.e. requests to Italian libraries) are free of charge.

Requests to SUBITO (German Document Delivery network) and to the National Library of Medicine (NLM - Bethesda, USA) are charged:

SUBITO: € 5,00 per article (UniTO students) - € 8,00 per article (UniTO faculty/staff & healthcare practitioners of Città della Salute and AOU San Luigi Gonzaga);

NLM: € 10,00 per article (UniTO students) - € 13,00 per article (UniTO faculty/staff & healthcare practitioners of Città della Salute and AOU San Luigi Gonzaga).



You can check the journal holdings of all the BFM sites in the Italian Union Catalogue of Serials (ACNP):

Please send your requests preferably by “NILDE” inter-library exchange network.

The BFM Document Delivery service complies with the copyright legislation, and with licensing agreements with publishers.

Last update: 20/11/2024